Jumat, 02 Januari 2009


Dear Friend,

Thank you for taking the time to download this electronic book,
"High Profit Ad & Sales Letter Tips." I think you'll find it very
useful. However, before you dig in, I'd like to tell you a bit about

Have you ever seen advertisements with the headline, "New Book of
Letters Gives Small Businesses Unfair Advantage"? These ads are
part of a national marketing campaign that is going on right now to
promote a new book entitled, "The Unfair Advantage Letter Book."

This new book is really quite unique. What it contains are dozens
of display and classified advertisements, press releases, direct mail
letters and more that were created by a man named Bill Myers from the
backwoods of Arkansas, who built a million-dollar, international
company from an idea and a few hundred dollars in less than five years.

And he did it, more of less, with the letters in this book.

Anyway, in this national ad campaign, "The Unfair Advantage Letter
Book" is selling like hotcakes for $99. This is a good deal when you
think about it, especially when you consider that not only do you get
access to the actual ads and letters that built this million dollar
company, but Myers also releases the copyright on the letters to anyone
who buys the book to use them, in whole or in part, in their own
marketing campaigns.

Obviously this could create a significant money-making and
time-saving advantage for any business person--especially a mail order
entrepreneur--who wants to get off to a quick and profitable start,
or boost their marketing efforts with profit-proven material.

However, one of the most valuable things about "The Unfair
Advantage Letter Book," is not the actual ads and letters, but rather
the tips, techniques, and winning formulas that Bill perfected and used
to create such successful marketing material--at such low cost--time
and time again. And in this electronic book, this is exactly what you

Each chapter is taken directly from "The Unfair Advantage Letter
Book," and gives you the opportunity to learn these valuable and
innovative secrets to creating highly profitable ads and sales letters.

We did not include the actual ads and letters in this electronic
version of the book, because they would be difficult to reproduce
effectively in text format. However, we have arranged to provide to
you the full, 200+ page, hard copy, $99.00 version of "The Unfair
Advantage Letter Book" at a fraction of the price hundreds of people
have already paid.

This special offer is only available through BBS/online/shareware
channels, and you can read about it in the last chapter, "For an Even
BIGGER Advantage..."

Thanks again for checking out this file. I hope you find this
information as valuable as Mike Roth from Arizona (one of many happy
customers), who said...

"I just finished reading your 'Unfair Advantage Letter Book.' I'm
impressed. Once I started reading your book, I couldn't stop. This
should prove to be the best investment I could ever make.

"You gave me step-by-step instructions I can use to grow my own
mail order business. With the advice you share freely in 'The Unfair
Advantage Letter Book' I'll be able to reach my dreams a lot quicker."

Wishing you the best of luck in your marketing
and all your profit-seeking endeavors,

Evan C. Williams, President
Evans & Clark Publishing
Route 2 Box 196
Clarks, NE 68628
308-548-2892 (fax)
evan@gmmi.win.net (Internet)
73241,3575 (CompuServe)
Heather505 (America Online)
XHFG12A (Prodigy)

P.S. Be sure to read how you can get a FREE copy of a new $60 video.
The details are in Chapter 9.

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