Minggu, 08 Februari 2009
Best E-bay Success Tips
When my friend began her business on e-bay selling high end purses, it started out quite rocky. Her auctions weren't getting the hits she wanted and usually sold off of one bid, instead of creating the bidding frenzy that beautiful bags like she had should have!
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Minggu, 25 Januari 2009
7 Ways to increase your traffic for business
Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009
9 SECRET for Internet Business
Kamis, 22 Januari 2009
Big Secret : GooGLE AdseNsE
What is Google AdSense? It’s a virtual advertising agency, which automatically places ads on your Web pages and selects which ads to publish according to the specific type of content on each. All of this process is automatic. It is an opportunity to make a few extra dollars without putting in a lot of time.
Google provides you with an AdSense HTML ad code to place on the web pages on which you want to display AdWords ads. Then they take care of the rest by leveraging award-winning and proprietary Google search and page-ranking technologies to deliver relevant AdWords to those content pages.
They go beyond simple keyword matching to understand the context and content of web pages. Based on a sophisticated algorithm that includes such factors as keyword analysis, word frequency, font size, and the overall link structure of the web, they know what a page is about, and can precisely match Google ads to each page.
click here for detail
GOOGLE ADSENSE : mesin penghasil uang gratis
Rabu, 21 Januari 2009
8 miracle ways to make big profit from your home business web
Selasa, 20 Januari 2009
New : 5 helpful sites you should beaware of
1.) JotForm - This site is a tool for an easy form builder. You can make contact forms, satisfaction surveys, job applications, time sheets, and party RSVP’s, just to name a few. You can also use the blank form and mold it into anything you want, and have it include dropdown menus, checkboxes, file uploaders, buttons, text, and more. In your creation you can add a captcha, a password box, birthdate picker, and dozens more. Using JotForm, you can create almost any kind of form or survey imaginable. It’s a pretty handy tool, especially if you need to make something for your website.
2.) Alphabetize - I found this one over at MAMD. You can paste any list into it and it will arrange every item to alphabetical order. It can also make everything lowercase, capitalize the first words in your list, remove duplicates, reverse the whole list, randomize, add any word or symbol of your choice to the start or end of each word, or a mixture of all those things at once. Also a very powerful tool this site provides, it can strip the HTML from whatever you paste into it! Check it out and see for yourself.
3.) Keyword Suggestion Tool - This is a free tool that lets you enter any keyword, and it will give you up to 100 related keywords and an estimate of their DAILY search volume. This can be extremely helpful to bloggers, especially if you want to get ranked for your keywords and include important keywords in your posts.
4.) Hundreds of Free Icons - At this site you will find so many icons you can use that are from the Crystal Clear icon set. Icons for actions, applications, devices, file systems, KDM, and MIME-types are all here. You can use the small version of the icon, or click on it and get the larger version. I don’t know how often you’ll be needing any of these but when you do this can be very helpful.
5.) Cliché Finder - If you like to make your content interesting, then you might want to consider adding some clichés to spice it up a bit. You can search for any word that may appear in your cliché, or you can select to view ten random clichés. For example, when I clicked to see some random clichés, the first one it gave me was “faster than a jackrabbit”. This might not be something you use that often, but if you ever want to say something and make it a little more exciting, this could come in handy.
There you have it! Five handy-dandy websites you can use. I will try to share helpful sites in list posts like this from time to time. I hope any of these might be useful to you in some way.
Senin, 19 Januari 2009
New internet home business SECRET
Price and value are not equivalent; if entrepreneurs pay what the Internet home business opportunity is worth, they have not appropriated any value for themselves. And the best way to make money with an Internet home business opportunity is by becoming an affiliate marketer. The easiest and the fastest way to start home based internet business is to...
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TIPS: making money online
Link Directory
Used cars
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TIPS: starting your home based business
Search the internet and you will find out the right work from home that suit you the most. Search results on Google for work from home now list’s over 1,920,000,000 results and Yahoo list’s 1,300,000,000 work from home results, from this number you can see many research providers waiting for you to give you their...
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TIPS: best SEO of the year
SEO Tip #1: Make Google Alerts Your Personal Online Spy
Google Alerts is a great way to let the world's biggest search engine be your personal online spy. This takes search engine optimization insider info to whole new level. Here's an excerpt straight from Google....
"Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.
Some handy uses of Google Alerts include:
* monitoring a developing news story
* keeping current on a...
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Minggu, 18 Januari 2009
How to select right MLM company
Network marketing opportunity is a big decision. But how do you choose which network marketing opportunity is the right one for you. Basically, what a network marketing opportunity is nothing more than direct selling. Is the general impression left that the network marketing opportunity is largely about selling the network marketing opportunity to new participants with an emphasis on recruiting or acquiring new participants and selling them the product, rather than having as a primary purpose the sale of the product to non-participants who remain non-participants?
Many companies also offer incentives such as fast start bonuses which can really jumpstart your earnings. Your full of energy, motivated about the product, and eager to get started. But you really should give yourself at least six months and some sales before you start calling the family tree. Everybody has to go through that startup period when they are NOT rich, famous, and a shining example to all who seek to emulate their success. What do you get in return for your start up investment, other then the potential to earn good money? If you want to...
JadeDirectory.Com Directory
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About Internet Marketing
In every business the predominant idea is to set goals that help you conduct business smarter, learn lessons faster and bring more business to your site.
The problem is many entrepreneurs tend to stay focused on their bottom line and to product fulfillment issues. By doing so they may indeed find themselves in the same place 12 months from now. They may also find their business has declined in total sales revenue.
How is that possible?
This is an interesting question especially when, from all appearances, the business owner IS paying attention to their business and that the sales are brisk. It can also seem baffling when it appears that the business owner is busier than they have ever been.The problem may be that...
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Jumat, 16 Januari 2009
How to make email marketing
Here are the 5 tips:
- Ask a question. One of the best ways to get a reader's attention is to ask a question. But like a trial lawyer questioning a witness on the stand, make sure it'll get you the response you're looking for. "What's the best way to grow your business?" is a great subject line for business owners. After all, what business owner wouldn't want to grow his or her business? Or let's say you run a health club. An e-mail with the subject line, "How can you lose 5 pounds in one month?" would certainly be compelling. It's important your question be...
Bad Credit Loan
When the problems are numerous, friends are few. These words are very apt when it comes to the situation of bad credit. Fulfilling your cash needs when having a bad credit history, it may be difficult to get the support you want. Getting external help will still suit you as the money is available without any hassle through bad credit loans. The borrowers who have a credit score which is lower than 580 in the FICO report may be suffering from this problem due to various factors. It can be arrears, defaults, missed repayments or CCJs that have caused this problem. But the borrowers still deserve a chance to avail these loans for their...
JHUCR Free Directory
TIPS: win outcome for MLM
TIPS: make your business better
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
TIPS & FREE: marketing your blog
With so many blogs being created every day, it’s a mystery to many bloggers how to make their blog stand out. There are many types of blogs or purposes for blogs and a certain number of tactics are applicable to just about all of them.Some companies choose to hire a blog consultant, but others like to try things internally. For those “DIY” companies and individuals interested in practical tips for marketing and optimizing a business blog, try out the following list of blog marketing and optimization tips:
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Selasa, 13 Januari 2009
Protection from hacker attack with snort
'SNORT' merupakan salah satu software untuk mendeteksi intrusi pada system, mampu menganalisa 'real-time traffic' dan logging ip, mampu menganalisa port dan mendeteksi segala macam 'serangan' dari luar seperti buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting. secara default nya snort mempunyai 3 hal yang terpenting yaitu :
(1) paket sniffer, seperti tcpdump, iptraf dll
(2) paket logger, yang berguna untuk paket traffic dll
(3) NIDS, deteksi intrusi pada network...
baca selengkapnya
New Principal Business
These codes for the Principal Business or Professional Activity classify sole proprietorships by the type of activity they are engaged in to facilitate the administration of the Internal Revenue Code. These six-digit codes are based on the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and do not resemble prior year codes.Select the category that best describes your primary business activity (for example, Real Estate). Then select the activity that...
Financial analysing
VERTICAL ANALYSIS is used to show the...
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TIPS: How to start a business
click here
Minggu, 11 Januari 2009
TIPS: How to win in direct mail
Dollars (490 Billion) on products and services sold via the mails.
This means that one out of every four dollars spent by American
consumers last year went to products sold via sales letters sent
through the mail. And this year (1992) while retail sales are
hurting due to the extended economic down-turn, mail order sales
continue to be....
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TIPS: Big profit from low cost ads
the area most businesses look to rapidly increase sales. When
developed with care and used with caution, a display ad can be
highly effective. However, running expensive display ads is
extremely risky and more often than not, they do not recover their
costs.Of course most people...
click here for detail
Jumat, 09 Januari 2009
TIPS: Big profit & Sales letter
Thank you for taking the time to download this electronic book,
"High Profit Ad & Sales Letter Tips." I think you'll find it very
useful. However, before you dig in, I'd like to tell you a bit about
Have you ever seen advertisements with the headline, "New Book of
Letters Gives Small Businesses Unfair Advantage"? These ads are
part of a national marketing campaign that is going on right now to
promote a new book entitled, "The Unfair Advantage Letter Book."
This new book is really quite unique. What it contains are...
JHUCR Free Directory
Senin, 05 Januari 2009
Hack Friendster dan Prevention (Ina)

Semoga Allah mengampuniku.
Banyak sekali celah / jalan masuk para cracker yang patut anda waspadai, yaitu :
- Email : email murapakan sasaran empuk para cracker. Biasanya dimulai dengan membobol email terlebih dahulu, lalu baru mereset password Friendster, sehingga pencuri bisa mendapatkan password baru.
Cara Pencegahannya : - Jangan...
Internet : Being a Hacker
Being a hacker is lots of fun, but it's a kind of fun that takes lots of effort. The effort takes motivation. Successful athletes get their motivation from a kind of physical delight in making their bodies perform, in pushing themselves past their own physical limits. Similarly, to be a hacker you have to get a basic thrill from solving problems, sharpening your skills, and...
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TIPS & FREE : Tips mendekati si Dia
Tips Penting
- Bersikaplah santai walau kamu benar-benar terpesona oleh si Dia
- Pastikan kamu tidak bau badan, bau mulut atau terlalu wangi
- Pakaian yang sopan, tidak kumal karena kamu kan ingin dia perhatikan.. Dan Be Funny, Charming..
- Rambut rapi dan sikat gigi, bershampoo lah yang memiliki harum lembut. Cewek menilai cowok juga dari baunya lho...!
- Jangan menguasainya, apalagi kalau dia terlalu menawan Ingat kamu berusaha mendapatkannya bukan membuat dia takut padamu.
- Perhatikan isi kantong kamu.. jangan pernah coba merayu cewek cantik tapi kantong kamu kosong. Jaman sekarang semua dinilai dengan materi, bagaimana dia percaya kamu mau ajak nonton atau kencan kalau kamu bokek.. (hareeee geneeee... hahahaaha)
Peringatan ooyyy!!!
- Jangan terlalu sering mengeluarkan rayuan-rayuan mautmu, keluarkan disaat yang tepat, sebelum dia menilaimu buaya :D
- Bersiap-siaplah kalau ditolak tapi jangan sampai ditolak mentah-mentah. Penolakan terjadi pada siapa saja bahkan Tom Cruise sekalipun sering ditolak.
- Jangan sampai dia tidak tertarik (illfeel) sama sekali dengan kamu. Pelajari dia baik-baik, dan jangan terburu-buru. Perlahan tapi pasti
- Jangan mengajaknya berdua saja dengan kamu pada awal kencanmu, tapi pertemukanlah pada teman-temanmu.
Bio-Magnetik: misteri di balik Gelang magnet
magnet cantik
Berbicara tentang gelang magnet, aku melihat para produsen dan distibutornya kebanyakan mengiklankan tentang rating gauss internal bukannya rating gauss permukaan. Bagaimanapun ukuran gauss yang sesungguhnya pada permukaan kulit jauh lebih rendah dibanding didalamnya, jadi sebagai contoh yang sudah terhitung, magnet dengan rating 45.000 internal gauss memiliki kekuatan permukaan hanya 2.200 gauss. Jadi medan magnet yang dihasilkan amat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan efek medan magnet bumi pada tubuh kita.
Jenis magnet yang digunakan adalah campuran dari Neodymium (NdFeB) yang menghasilkan tenaga magnet amat kuat, dimana magnet yang berukuran kecil saja sanggup memberi efek yang menakjubkan (baca di http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NdFeB).
Penyelidikan Ilmiah
Tidak ada teori resmi ilmiah yang mengklaim keuntungan dari terapi ini. Pada tahun 2002 NSF (National Science Foundation) memberikan laporan publik yang mencatat bahwa terapi magnet adalah tidak terlalu ilmiah. Hanya sedikit sekali bukti ilmiah didapatkan. Pada sebuah percobaan terapi yang secara acak dilakukan pada pasien dewasa tahun 2003, tidak terbukti sama sekali mengenai efek penyembuhan selain dari placebo (obat semu) dan sugesti.
Bahkan di situs Ask The Doctor, terapi magnet tidak direkomendasikan karena tidak terbukti dan bahkan dapat menghentikan alat bantu kesehatan yang ditanam pada tubuh manusia.
Friends.. kontroversi terus terjadi, pengobatan alternatif yang sudah ada sejak dahulu kala ini kini trend kembali. Tapi coba pikirkan terlebih dahulu, "apakah bijak membeli sesuatu yang mahal dan dapat mempengaruhi medan energi pada tubuh kita?" Jika terapi magnet dapat memberikan penyembuhan ajaib, tentu jika kita di scan dengan MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), kita akan tertidur pulas seperti bayi... Jadi sebaiknya jangan habiskan uang kamu, sampai saat ini belum ada bukti ilmiah yang resmi.
Mungkin sebaiknya kita belajar Magnetism saja untuk menarik perhatian orang yang kita sukai dengan daripada uang kita hamburkan untuk sesuatu yang belum pasti. Tapi... namanya juga budaya bangsa kita, placebo dan sugesti menjadi pilihan alternatif yang sulit untuk dihindari. Gak heran kalau produk-produk jenis ini laku keras di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Mending beli gelang emas aja yang bisa ditabung.
Bio-Magnetik misteri di balik Gelang magnet
magnet cantik
Berbicara tentang gelang magnet, aku melihat para produsen dan distibutornya kebanyakan mengiklankan tentang rating gauss internal bukannya rating gauss permukaan. Bagaimanapun ukuran gauss yang sesungguhnya pada permukaan kulit jauh lebih rendah dibanding didalamnya, jadi sebagai contoh yang sudah terhitung, magnet dengan rating 45.000 internal gauss memiliki kekuatan permukaan hanya 2.200 gauss. Jadi medan magnet yang dihasilkan amat kecil jika dibandingkan dengan efek medan magnet bumi pada tubuh kita.
Jenis magnet yang digunakan adalah campuran dari Neodymium (NdFeB) yang menghasilkan tenaga magnet amat kuat, dimana magnet yang berukuran kecil saja sanggup memberi efek yang menakjubkan (baca di http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NdFeB).
Penyelidikan Ilmiah
Tidak ada teori resmi ilmiah yang mengklaim keuntungan dari terapi ini. Pada tahun 2002 NSF (National Science Foundation) memberikan laporan publik yang mencatat bahwa terapi magnet adalah tidak terlalu ilmiah. Hanya sedikit sekali bukti ilmiah didapatkan. Pada sebuah percobaan terapi yang secara acak dilakukan pada pasien dewasa tahun 2003, tidak terbukti sama sekali mengenai efek penyembuhan selain dari placebo (obat semu) dan sugesti.
Bahkan di situs Ask The Doctor, terapi magnet tidak direkomendasikan karena tidak terbukti dan bahkan dapat menghentikan alat bantu kesehatan yang ditanam pada tubuh manusia.
Friends.. kontroversi terus terjadi, pengobatan alternatif yang sudah ada sejak dahulu kala ini kini trend kembali. Tapi coba pikirkan terlebih dahulu, "apakah bijak membeli sesuatu yang mahal dan dapat mempengaruhi medan energi pada tubuh kita?" Jika terapi magnet dapat memberikan penyembuhan ajaib, tentu jika kita di scan dengan MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), kita akan tertidur pulas seperti bayi... Jadi sebaiknya jangan habiskan uang kamu, sampai saat ini belum ada bukti ilmiah yang resmi.
Mungkin sebaiknya kita belajar Magnetism saja untuk menarik perhatian orang yang kita sukai dengan daripada uang kita hamburkan untuk sesuatu yang belum pasti. Tapi... namanya juga budaya bangsa kita, placebo dan sugesti menjadi pilihan alternatif yang sulit untuk dihindari. Gak heran kalau produk-produk jenis ini laku keras di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Mending beli gelang emas aja yang bisa ditabung.
TIPS & FREE: bagaimana memikat si Dia
- Cobalah mulai melakukan pembicaraan dengannya, bicara dengan penuh percaya diri, tapi jangan berusaha untuk keren, sok pintar, sok tahu atau jaim, biasa aja dulu.
- Mungkin awal percaya diri kamu palsu tapi dia akan merespon kamu secara alami
- Latihlah terlebih dahulu dengan cewek yang lain. Ada dua opsi disini: antara cewek yang sudah kamu kenal dan kamu anggap dia mudah didapat, atau orang yang belum kamu kenal tapi kamu merasa pede dengannya. Latihlah hal ini, toh tidak apa-apa kalau gagal karena dia bukan target utama kamu kan? Pelajari bagaimana responnya, tingkahnya dan terus tingkatkan ke-pedean kamu. WARNING!! Jangan buat mainan yaa!! Jangan sampai dia jatuh hati denganmu karena ingat! Dia hanyalah teman berlatihmu.
- Lemparkan humor atau lelucon ringan, lelucon dapat menghangatkan suasana, atau kalau kamu melihat cewek itu sok pintar.. kamu sebaiknya pura-pura bodoh dan terus perhatikan ucapannya sambil mengangguk-angguk, si cewek akan berpikir kamu adalah pendengar yang penuh pengertian.
- Perlihatkan dan pastikan bahwa kamu menguasai apa yang kamu ucapkan, jangan coba-coba bercerita yang bukan dirimu atau terlalu kamu lebih-lebihkan. Hindari kata "aku" yang terlalu sering. Perbanyaklah kata "ooohh gitu ya.." atau "hmmm.. kamu betul.."
- Kalau kamu terpeleset dengan kata-kata yang menjebak, alihkan itu dengan lelucon dan jadikan sebuah humor baru dari kondisi tersebut. Gak perlu stress tapi smart and fun.
- Duduk dekat dengannya dan jaga jarak kira-kira 2 kursi, jangan menatap dari leher ke bawah, tapi coba tatap mulutnya yang sedang berbicara.
- Jangan terlalu sering bercanda perhatikan jika lelucon kamu di balas dengan senyum palsu. Jika dia tersenyum tanpa menggerakkan otot-otot pada matanya dengan jelas berarti itu palsu.
- Pelajari tatapan dan arah matanya saat berbicara, jika dia memandang ke kanan atas berarti sedang berpikir tentang masa depan begitupun sebaliknya jika memandang ke kiri bawah, masa lalulah yg sedang menjadi pikirannya.
- Jangan terlalu memaksa untuk mengajaknya bicara, jika tiba-tiba dia harus pergi, kamu gak perlu terlalu kaget dan melompat sambil berkata "Ok..Oke.. sampai ketemu ya.." tapi santai saja dan katakan "Asik ya ngobrol sama kamu, kapan-kapan kita ngobrol lagi ya? Ok.. byee.. " sambil berikan perhatian dan hindari "jutex" atau pura-pura ga butuh.. Kamu butuh dia kan??
TIPS & FREE: bagaimana membuat pasangan anda bahagia
Ceritakan semua hal yang indah tentang pasangan pada orang lain, khususnya kala ada pasangan di dekat Anda. Ini akan meningkatkan ego pasangan, karena ia pun ingin membuat Anda bahagia dan bangga padanya. Selain itu, orang lain pun akan mempunyai penghargaan lebih padanya seperti yang Anda lakukan.
Kala sesuatu berlangsung buruk dalam perkawinan, kita sering dengan cepat menuduh pasangan kitalah yang salah, tanpa melihat diri kita sendiri. Padahal, melihat diri sendiri atau melakukan introspeksi seringkali dapat menolong perkawinan.
Dengan instrospeksi, kita akan melihat apa yang perlu diubah. Kita dapat mengubah perspektif kita dalam menghadapi masalah. Kita juga akan menyadari bahwa kita telah melakukan hal yang terbaik dan kita dapat melakukan sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan perkawinan. Berdasarkan pengalaman, biasanya pasangan yang menyalahkan pasangannya justru yang punya masalah. Punya teman selingkuh-lah, selalu mengritik pasangan-lah, bahkan selalu menganiaya, dan sebagainya.
Kesibukan sering membuat kesabaran habis. Akibatnya, perkawinan pun tak lagi menyenangkan, dipenuhi cekcok dan konflik. Padahal, kesabaran merupakan kunci menyelamatkan perkawinan dari kehancuran. Jadi, jika muncul perbedaan pendapat, cobalah bersabar, cari waktu untuk saling bicara, dan tunjukkan cinta Anda.
Cara terbaik menghargai pasangan adalah dengan selalu tersenyum dan membiarkan ia tahu bahwa ia sangat berharga buat Anda. Banyak pasangan yang sangat menikmati senyum pasangannya, dan menikmati kala pasangan mengutarakan cinta padanya. Tatap mata pasangan dan biarkan mereka tahu bahwa ialah orang terbaik buat Anda.
Banyak orang tidak menghargai pasangannya. Akibatnya, perkawinan pun lama-lama jadi tak nyaman. Cobalah berpikir tentang apa saja yang telah dilakukan pasangan untuk Anda. Tanyakan, apa artinya dia buat Anda, kemudian bagi pikiran itu dengan pasangan. Biarkan dia tahu betapa besar artinya dia bagi Anda.
Bertengkar itu biasa, bahkan bisa menjadi bumbu perkawinan. Namun, tentu tak sembarang bertengkar, melainkan bertengkar secara fair. Bagaimana caranya?
Hindari berteriak, memukul, melemparkan sesuatu, menjerit, saat bertengkar.
Tetap fokus pada satu isu pada saat yang sama.
Beri kesempatan pasangan berpikir dan tidak harus menyelesaikan masalah sekarang juga. Atur waktu jika memang diperlukan, tapi pastikan Anda siap menyelesaikan masalah dengan kepala dingin.
Jangan hanya mendengarkan apa kata pasangan. Cobalah untuk mengerti alasan dan kepedihannya.
Cobalah berempati dan peduli pada pasangan.
Bak membersihkan rumah, kehidupan rumah tangga pun sesekali harus pula ’dibersihkan’. Beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk membersihkan hubungan dengan pasangan antara lain meningkatkan komunikasi, menunjukkan perhatian, melakukan hal-hal yang baik, saling memuji dan meminta maaf untuk segala sesuatu yang telah dilakukan, dan sebagainya. Permintaan maaf biasanya juga akan dapat menghapus semua noda dalam perkawinan.
Biasanya, kita membelanjakan sebagian besar uang untuk liburan dan perayaan (seperti lebaran, natal). Jarang yang mempertimbangkan memberikan hadiah yang bisa membuat perkawinan kita berbeda. Saran para ahli, beri pasangan hadiah, sekaligus untuk diri sendiri.
Ingatlah, hadiah terbesar bukanlah harta, melainkan cinta yang tulus. Ada hadiah yang gampang terlupakan, tapi ada pula yang selalu kita ingat. Bukan masalah harga atau bentuk materinya. Hadiah yang terbaik adalah yang kita berikan dengan sepenuh hati. Hadiah-hadiah berikut pasti tak bakal dilupakan pasangan:
Kartu pos berisi permintaan maaf atas apa yang telah Anda lakukan.
Puisi yang mengeksperesikan cinta Anda.
Album foto berisi foto-foto favorit Anda berdua.
Hadiah yang ia inginkan sejak kecil tapi tak pernah diterimanya.
Menghabiskan waktu bersama pasangan, walaupun hanya 1-2 jam saja.
Banyak orang yang lupa untuk mempererat kedekatan dengan pasangan. Padahal, banyak cara bisa dilakukan. Antara lain mencoba selalu dekat dan saling melayani, menghindari melukai pasangan, selalu bersikap jujur pada pasangan, melakukan yang terbaik, dan selalu berpikir positif.
Kencan berdua juga bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk menjaga agar perkawinan tetap terjaga. Anda bisa mengajak pasangan sekedar berjalan-jalan di sekitar rumah atau pertokoan, atau sesekali bepergian ke luar kota barang satu-dua hari.
Resep paling ampuh adalah bulan madu kedua. Anda bisa berbulan madu ke tempat bulan madu pertama Anda dulu. Sepertinya sepele, kan, tapi dengan melakukan hal-hal tersebut, pasangan akan merasa sangat diperhatikan. Ingat, perkawinan yang baik tidak akan berhasil tanpa dukungan dari kedua belah pihak.
Coba jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. Jika jawabannya kebanyakan ya, perkawinan Anda dijamin bahagia. Apakah Anda:
menghabiskan banyak waktu bersama pasangan?
sering tertawa bersama pasangan?
sering memuji pasangan?
selalu melayani pasangan?
selalu jujur pada pasangan?
selalu menunjukkan pada pasangan besarnya cinta Anda?
selalu mendengarkan pasangan?
selalu berharap Andalah yang jadi penolong pasangan Anda?
selalu membantu pasangan menikmati hubungan seksual? KIAT TANGKAL COBAAN
Berikut ini beberapa saran untuk menolong Anda bisa lolos dari kepedihan dan cobaan dalam rumah tangga.
Saling mendengarkan. Cobalah untuk mengerti kepedihan pasangan.
Ambil tanggung jawab dan hentikan melakukan tindakan yang dapat melukai pasangan.
Berbaik hati dan tunjukkan empati.
Cari cara melayani pasangan (bahkan jika Anda tidak menginginkannya). Saat melayani pasangan, ada baiknya ingat kembali perasaan Anda saat pertama kali kencan dengan pasangan atau kala di awal-awal perkawinan.
Jangan terlalu keras mengritik pasangan. Kritikan yang terlalu pedas dan tanpa solusi hanya akan meruntuhkan perkawinan. Ingat, pasangan bukanlah manusia sempurna.
Coba cari, perasaan cinta Anda yang terdalam terhadap pasangan. Dengan cara ini, keputusan untuk mengakhiri perkawinan pun dapat dicegah.
Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009
Oleh Kol tek Haryoko/Dirharpesbang Koharmatau

Didalam Cockpit pesawat Hercules yang sejuk, seluruh crew pesawat tetap berkonsentrasi untuk menuntaskan seluruh tahapan test flight: pattern, performance serta shut down engine dan air start. Tanpa terasa 2 jam mengudara, wajah wajah di pesawat tampak cerah setelah pesawat mendarat dengan aman dan selamat. Ketika seluruh awak pesawat dan penumpang turun saling berjabat tangan dengan memancarkan keharuan dan kebanggaan menyambut keberhasilan pesawat Hercules L-100-30 versi sipil dengan engine type 501-D22A dimodifikasi menjadi pesawat Hercules Type HS versi militer dengan engine T-56-A-15.
Pada hari senin tanggal 15 September 2008, tidak mau ketinggalan untuk memberikan dukungan moril kepada crew pesawat dan team modifikasi, Dan Koharmatau Marsda TNI Sunaryo sebagai jendral lapangan yang membuat keputusan modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 pada pesawat C-130 L-100-30 turut terbang sebanyak dua kali mengelilingi wilayah udara jakarta dan esok harinya pesawat melanjutkan test flight dengan Kapten Pilot Mayor Pnb Damanik untuk menyelesaikan tahapan test flight yang belum terlaksana, dan kesemuanya dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan aman. Keberhasilan memodifikasi pesawat C-130 L-100-30 menjadi pesawat versi militer oleh para prajurit TNI AU merupakan kado spesial pada HUT ke 45 Koharmatau.
Proses Perjalanan Lahirnya Ide Sampai Pelaksanaan Modifikasi
Depo pemeliharaan 30 yang berada di Lanud Abd. Saleh Malang memiliki berbagai produk unggulan sesuai bidang tugasnya yakni melaksanakan pemeliharaan tingkat berat pesawat terbang, motor turbin (engine), komponen dan produksi materiail secara terbatas. Salah satu produk andalannya adalah engine T56 series yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh pesawat Hercules C-130 dari Skadron Udara 31 dan 32. Kemampuan personel yang berpengalaman serta kelengkapan fasilitas pemeliharaan yang dimiliki, telah menghasilkan ratusan engine T56 series baik engine type T56-A-7B untuk pesawat C-130 type B, engine T56-A-15 untuk pesawat C-130 type H/HS maupun engine 501-D22A pesawat C-130 L-100-30. Pemeliharaan terhadap engine T56 series baik untuk HSI (Hot Spot Inspection), rectifikasi sampai overhaul telah lama dikuasai bahkan telah mampu memodifikasi engine T56-A-7B menjadi T56-A-15 dan telah mendapat pengakuan secara intern maupun ekstern TNI AU.
Para teknisi paham betul bagian terkecil dan berbagai macam suku cadang dari engine T56 series, sampai pada penghujung tahun 2006 munculah ide pesawat C-130 L-100-30 dapat dipasangi engine T-56-A-15 karena adanya pesamaan hampir semua modul, komponen maupun performance engine tersebut. Selanjutnya dibentuklah team penyusun naskah rencana pemasangan engine T-56-A-15 pada pesawat C-130 type L-100-30 yang terdiri dari Kol tek Haryoko, letkol tek DR Gita, Letkol Tek Semri Bija dan Letkol Tek Wahyu Hidayat almahum (Salah satu korban kecelakaan pesawat C-212 A-2106 di daerah Bogor). Setelah melakukan berbagai kajian dan penyempurnaan, naskah tersebut mulai disosialisasikan ke Koharmatau, Disaeroau dan Asrena Kasau. Pada kwartal 1 tahun 2007, Koharmatau memberikan respon dengan mengundang personel Disaeroau serta pejabat terkait Koharmatau untuk mendengarkan paparan Dandepohar 30 dan menmberikan tanggapan. Dari hasil diskusi, ada kesepahaman bahwa ide modifikasi pemasangan engine T-56-A-15 pada pesawat C-130 L-100-30 dapat diterima. Selanjutnya pada pertengahan tahun 2007 dilaksanakan Pokja I di Koharmatau yang mengundang pihak pihak terkait seperti, Disaeroau, Dislitbangau, Dislambangjau, Staf operasi dan Staf Logistik Mabesau serta Depohar 10 dan 30.
Dalam diskusi yang dipimpin Kol Tek Waliyo Direktur Engineering Koharmatau masih ada yang meragukan tentang konsep modifikasi ini. Pda awal kwartal ketiga tahun 2007, Pokja II kembali dilaksanakan di Koharmatau dengan peserta dari instansi yang sama, dan dari hasil diskusi sudah mulai ada kesepahaman dan menerima konsep untuk dapat menindak lanjuti kegiatan modifikasi secara bertahap. Sampai dengan berakhirnya kalender tahun 2007, konsep ini berhenti tanpa ada keputusan.
Naiknya Marsda Sunaryo HW sebagai Komandan Koharmatau yang baru, menghidupkan kembali konsep yang telah disusun. Dengan gaya kepemimpinannya yang khas, tegas dan berani bertanggung jawab, diperintahkan kepada Direktur Enginering dan Dirharpesbang untuk merealisasikan konsep tersebut menjadi suatu hal yang nyata. Selanjutnya oleh para teknisi Depohar 10 dilaksanakanlah modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 pada pesawat A-1327 dan A-1325 selanjutnya pesawat mengudara dengan sempurna sesuai konsep perencanaan. Bertolak dari keputusan ketegasan dan keberanian dalam memutuskan, telah melahirkan karya monumental dari prajurit jajaran koharmatau yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kepentingan TNI AU.
Mengapa pesawat dimodifikasi ??!!
Pesawat hercules buatan Lockheed Martin USA diproduksi dalam beberapa type dan terbukti sangat handal sebagai pesawat angkut berat. Kehandalan dan ketangguhan pesawat Hercules khususnya type H dan H/S yang didesign untuk kepentingan militer menarik minat operator sipil untuk menggunakannya.
Selanjutnya untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar, diproduksilah Hercules type L-100-30 dengan engine 501-D22A dalam jumlah terbatas yang mengambil basic design dari pesawat Hercules type H/ HS. TNI AU saat ini mengoperasikan 4 jenis pesawat Hercules, type B yang paling lama dioperasikan dan buatan tahun 1960, H dan HS yang dioperasikan pada tahun 1980 dan armada kekuatan pesawat C-130 TNI AU bertambah besar dengan diterimanya pesawat hercules L-100-30 hibah dari PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines//PT Pelita Air Service.
Pesawat hercules mempunyai engine yang berbeda setiap typenya, type B menggunakan engine T56-A-7B, Type H/HS memakai engine T56-A-15 sedangkan type L-100-30 menggunakan engine 501-D22A. Penggunaan engine yang berbeda beda pada pesawat Hercules apabila ditinjau dari segi maintenance kurang efisien dan tidak dapat interchangeable sehingga kesiapan pesawat kurang dapat dioptimalkan. Engine T-56-A-15 pada pesawat C-130 H/HS versi militer dengan Engine 501-D22A pada pesawat C-130 -100-30 versi sipil mempunyai kesamaan karakteristik maupun performancenya. Perkembangan selanjutnya, karena jumlah produksi yang terbatas, maka pesawat C-130 L-100-30 mulai kesulitan memperoleh suku cadang dan apabila mendapatkanpun harganya lebih mahal. TNI AU pada tahun 2006 pernah membuat kontrak pengadaan 4 engine 501-D22A, namun akhirnya kontrak tersebut terpaksa diamandemen karena tidak ada satupun mitra kerja yang sanggup memenuhi permintaan TNI AU. Bertolak dari alasan tersebut, maka muncul gagasan untuk menstandardkan pesawat L-100-30 versi sipil menjadi versi militer dengan alasan :
1. Faktor teknis, engine 501-D22A dan engine T-56-A-15 mempunyai karakteristik dan performance yang sama.
2. Faktor ekonomis, yaitu mahal dan langkanya mencari suku cadang engine Type 501-D22A di pasaran dunia
3. Faktor operasi, yaitu dengan digantinya engine 501-D22A dengan engine T56-A-15, maka pesawat C-130 L-100-30 versi sipil otomatis menjadi pesawat versi militer sehingga kesiapan operasional pesawat hercules dapat dioptimalkan dan engine menjadi interchangeable.
Secara umum kedua type engine tersebut adalah sama, namun demikian terdapat perbedaan pada beberapa systemnya. Persamaan dan perbedaan kedua engine tersebut adalah :
1. Persamaan
a. Limitasi. Penunjukan batasan operasi dari kedua engine yang ditunjukkan pada instrumen indikator adalah sama yaitu:
1) Torquemeter indicator maksimum 19.600 in/lbs
2) Rpm Indicator maksimum 102 %, normal 98-102 %
3) TIT Indicator maksimum 1.077̊C, normal 200-1.007̊C
4) Oil temp indicator maksimum 100̊C (in flight 5 menit, on ground 30 menit) normal 65-85̊C
5) Oil pressure indicator
(a) Power section maksimum 60 psi normal 50-60 psi
(b) Gear box mmaksimum 250 psi, normal 130-250 psi
(c) Oil Quantity indicator maksimum 12 gallons, normal 4-12 gallons
b. Operation. Pengoperasian engine type T56-A-15LFE dan engine 501-D22A adalah sama. Batasan-batasan pengoperasian sejak pesawat masih di darat (ground operation), saat pesawat Take off maupun setelah pesawat take off (Flight Operation) hampir seluruhnya sama.
2. Perbedaan
a. Fuel Flow System. Engine Fuel Flow system pada engine type T56-A-15 dan engine type 501-D22A dan terdapat 2 perbedaan yaitu :
1) Fuel Drain System. Pada engine type T56-A-15LFE saat Starting engine maupun saat shut down engine terjadi pembuangan dari engine melalui drain mast (fuel pressure dibawah 8 psi). Sedangkan pada engine type 501-D22A bahan bakar tersebut ditampung di collector can dan dikembalikan ke fuel pump.
2) Fuel Flow Indicating system. Pada engine T56-A-15LFE menggunakan fuel transmitter P/N 8TJ50GAS5 sedangkan engine 501-D22A menggunakan fuel transmitter P/N 8TJ64GBW2. terdapat sedikit perbedaan yaitu pada engine T56-A-15LFE Fuel Flow transmitter menggunakan 2 buah Electrical plug. Fuel hose dari Drip Valve ke Drain Mast ada engine 501-D22A lebih panjang dari pada engine type T56-A-15LFE.
b. Beta Light. Pada pesawat L-100-30 terdapat sebuah lampu di Engine Instrument Panel yang akan menyala apabila low pitch stop propeller bekerja, sedangkan pada pesawat C-130 H/HS tidak ada dan monitoringnya dengan melihat perubahan penunjukkan pada Torquemeter dan RPM indicator.
c. Engine Anti Icing Warning Light System. Pada pesawat L-100-30 terdapat sebuah lampu di Engine Instrument Panel yang akan menyala apabila terjadi Icing di Air Intake Engine, sedangkan pada pesawat C-130 H/HS tidak ada.
d. Low Oil Pressure Warning Light System. Pada pesawat L-100-30 terdapat sebuah lampu di Engine Instrument Panel yang akan menyala apabila terjadi tekanan oli rendah (P/S dibawah 45 psi, G/B dibawah 130 psi) sedangkan pada pesawat C-130 H/HS tidak ada dan monitoringnya dilaksanakan dengan melihat penunjukkan pada Oil Press indicator.
Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Modifikasi
Kegiatan modifikasi dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap, tahap pertama meliputi kegiatan pemeriksaan, melengkapi suku cadang, modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 sampai dengan engine ground run menggunakan pesawat A-1327 yang dalam status U/S agar tidak mengganggu kesiapan operasi, sedangkan tahap kedua melaksanakan modifikasi pemasangan engine, ground run dan test flight menggunakan pesawat C-1325 dalam kondisi pesawat Serviceable. Tahap pertama memerlukan waktu selama 14 hari di Skadron Udara 31 dengan kegiatan sebagai berikut:
1. Electrical Wiring Modification. Untuk pelaksanaan modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 pada pesawat L-100-30 No. Reg A-1327 diperlukan electrical wiring modification pada Fuel flow Indicating system. Pelaksanaan modifikasi ini berlangsung selama 3 hari dilaksanakan oleh Tim dari Sathar 15 Depohar 10 Lanud Husein S. Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian / survey pada pesawat maupun kajian dari publikasi teknik, menunjukkan bahwa cable looming dari wiring fuel flow indicating system kedua pesawat ini sama, yang berbeda hanya pada komponen fuel flow power supply dan fuel flow indicatornya saja sehingga dalam pelaksanaan modifikasi electrical wiring hanya mengganti plug power supply, plug indicator dan circuit breaker.
2. Penggantian Komponen. Dalam modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 pada pesawat L-100-30, cukup mengganti komponen fuel flow power supply dan fuel flow indicator seperti ditunjukkan pada tabel.
1 Fuel flow power supply 8TJ88GAD1 8TJ51GAA5 1 Ea
2 Plug Power Supply MS3106R14S5SX MS3106R14-5S 1 Ea
3 Fuel flow indicator 8DJ64GBC1 8DJ64GBH1 4 Ea
4 Plug Indicator MS3106R14S-2S MS3106R18S-1S 4 Ea
5 Circuit breaker - D7271-7 1 Ea
3. Installation. Pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan adalah melengkapi semua AWP suku cadang pesawat A-1327 agar dapat digunakan untuk melaksanakan ground run up menggunakan engine type T56-A-15.
4. Functional Check. Functional check terhadap seluruh sistem pada pesawat A-1327 meliputi:
a. Power In / System Functional Check. Pelaksanaan Power In pada semua instrument yang berhubungan dengan Engine bekerja dengan normal sesuai fungsinya.
b. Refueling / Fuel Tank Leak Check. Pada pelaksanaan refueling semua komponen bekerja dengan normal.
c. Aircraft System Fucntional Check. Dalam pelaksanaan modifikasi ini untuk Functional Check dititik beratkan pada bekerjanya Indicating Fuel System dimana semua Engine dalam keadaan normal sebelum dilaksanakan Ground Run Up.
d. Ground Run Up. Ground Run Up dilaksanakan sebanyak 4 kali selama 3 jam kali dengan hasil baik.
Tahap kedua pelaksanaan kegiatan modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 tidak berbeda dengan tahap pertama, yang membedakan hanya penggunaan pesawatnya yaitu A-1325 dan pelaksanaan Test flight. Pada tahapan ini pelaksanaannya lebih cepat karena kondisi pesawat adalah serviceable sehingga waktu pengerjaan modifikasi dilaksanakan selama 9 hari ditambah 3 hari untuk test flight dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
1. Electrical Wiring Modification dan Penggantian Komponen. Untuk pelaksanaan modifikasi electrical wiring dan penggantian komponen fuel flow power supply dan fuel flow indicator diselesaikan selama 3 hari.
2. Installation. Installation engine T56-A-15 dan Propeller diselesaikan selama empat hari.
3. Functional Check. Functional check terhadap seluruh sistem pesawat A-1325 diselesaikan dalam waktu 2 hari.
4. Test Flight. Test flight berdasarkan T.O 1C-130B-6CF tentang Acceptance And Or Functional Check Flight dilaksanakan sebayak 3 kali selama 3 hari.
Demikian sekelumit proses perjalanan konsep modifikasi pemasangan engine T56-A-15 pada pesawat C-130 type L-100-30 yang dilakukan oleh para prajurit TNI AU sebagai karya monumental dan dipersembahkan sebagai kado spesial HUT ke 45 Koharmatau , diharapkan setelah disajikannya tulisan ini akan lahir karya karya lain yang lebih spektakuler, semoga.
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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
The Many Uses Of Natural Herbal Remedies And Oils
Now a days, there is a variety of essential oils, roots, and herbs available to support healthy living. These natural products can be used for treating ailments, flavoring your food, skin care, create perfumes, and manufacture environmentally safe cleaning products.
If you do not have room for a garden, a few herbs planted by a sunny window are enough to get you started. Subsequently, all you will need then are some essential oils and you are ready to embark on a wonderful journey to natural herbal remedies and medicine.
Essential oils versus blended oils.
The first to consider is the essential oils. Only the purest oils will do for therapeutic purposes. Do not be fooled into thinking that you are purchasing pure oil when in fact it is a blend of several oils. Blended oils are acceptable for fragrance such as perfuming a room, but pure oils are necessary for medicinal intent.
A general guide to the purity of oil is its price. Pure oils are normally more expensive. For instance, common oils such as lavender and geranium are less expensive than frankincense and carnation oil. Therefore, it is advisable to become familiar with essential oil prices and then rely on this knowledge when purchasing oils. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. In addition, a price list from a reputable dealer is a valuable resource when buying essentials oils.
Typically, pure oils cannot be applied directly to the skin and must be mixed with a base oil to lessen their strength. Base oils such as almond oil or wheat germ oil are generally used for this purpose. Base oils are generally derived from seeds, nuts, or vegetables.
Basic oils and natural remedies.
Lavender, without a doubt, is one of the most useful and desirable oils. It will work wonders on cuts, bruises and burns, and promotes sleep and relaxation.
The Tea Tree and Eucalyptus oils are useful for treating a variety of respiratory ailments. These are excellent medication for colds and coughs. These oils can be massaged into the chest or burned in an oil burner to help clear the airways and prevent congestion. Tea Tree oil is a natural antiseptic and can be dabbed on cuts, bites and stings. It is often used to treat spots and pimples and when diluted with water, acts as a mouth gargle (keep in-mind it should never be swallowed).
Geranium oil with its characteristic perfume and pain relieving properties is a basic antiseptic. This herbal remedy should be part of your essential oil and natural herbal remedies garden.
Peppermint oil treats digestive upsets and may be used for breath freshening.
Patchouli and Ylang-ylang oils in an oil burner can perfume a room and add a sense of ambience. Orange oil mixed with Cinnamon oil is a pleasant winter scent that brings to mind seasonal holiday smells. Besides their perfume qualities, all four of these oils have other properties. Patchouli treats eczema and dandruff. Ylang-ylang is reputed to relieve stress, palpitations, and high blood pressure. Orange is used in natural remedies for depression and nervous tension. Cinnamon is excellent for warts and viral infections.
Thyme and Rosemary are considered herbs and can be grown in pots and used when needed. Both of these herbs can be used to create oils or flavor food. Thyme and Rosemary are also antiseptics and can be used in skin care preparations.
Lemon oil and fresh lemons will purify water. When lemon is mixed with honey, it is an effective herbal remedies for colds and flu. Lemon and white vinegar are highly effective cleaning agents that can be used for domestic cleaning tasks without damaging the environment. White vinegar is a natural disinfectant or mix it with water to clean windows and wooden floors.
If you want to keep the insects away this summer, Citronella oil or Garlic will do. Add a capsule of garlic to your dog's food and your dog will not be bothered by fleas. You could also soak a soft dog collar in Citronella to keep fleas and mosquitoes at bay.
Garlic helps to promote a healthy immune system. When the weather turns cold and the viruses begin to circulate, adding garlic to your diet will leave you less susceptible. In fact, most of the oils and herbs listed above are effective in helping to prevent many common winter illnesses.
If you are looking for natural herbal remedies or nature friendly products, the oils and herbal remedies recommended above should help you get started.
For more information about natural herbal remedies and herbal medicine, visit these sites http://www.naturalherbalremediesinfo.com and http://www.herbalmedicineinfo.com
Source: www.isnare.com
Thank you for taking the time to download this electronic book,
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This new book is really quite unique. What it contains are dozens
of display and classified advertisements, press releases, direct mail
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backwoods of Arkansas, who built a million-dollar, international
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Obviously this could create a significant money-making and
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However, one of the most valuable things about "The Unfair
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Each chapter is taken directly from "The Unfair Advantage Letter
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innovative secrets to creating highly profitable ads and sales letters.
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version of the book, because they would be difficult to reproduce
effectively in text format. However, we have arranged to provide to
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Advantage Letter Book" at a fraction of the price hundreds of people
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This special offer is only available through BBS/online/shareware
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Thanks again for checking out this file. I hope you find this
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Wishing you the best of luck in your marketing
and all your profit-seeking endeavors,
Evan C. Williams, President
Evans & Clark Publishing
Route 2 Box 196
Clarks, NE 68628
308-548-2892 (fax)
evan@gmmi.win.net (Internet)
73241,3575 (CompuServe)
Heather505 (America Online)
XHFG12A (Prodigy)
P.S. Be sure to read how you can get a FREE copy of a new $60 video.
The details are in Chapter 9.
the area most businesses look to rapidly increase sales. When
developed with care and used with caution, a display ad can be
highly effective. However, running expensive display ads is
extremely risky and more often than not, they do not recover their
Of course most people who sell these ads won't tell you this.
Instead they'll tell you about their large readership, and how if
just a small percentage of their readers respond to you ad, you'll
get rich. It just makes sense. Run a big ad, make a lot of sales,
and get rich.
Except it doesn't usually work that way. What happens is you
pay big bucks for a big ad, and when it runs, nothing happens. No
orders, no calls. And you're out the entire amount you paid for
you ad with nothing to show for it.
Most people who haven't run a large display ad simply don't
believe this can happen. They can't conceive that they won't get a
response from a large ad. But I can tell you from personal
experience it happens. A lot more often than anyone selling these
ads wants you to know.
For this reason I strongly recommend that anyone thinking
about buying an expensive display ad should consider the risk. If
you can't afford to lose everything you invest in the ad, don't do
it. In most cases, a simple press release will be more effective
(and quite a bit less expensive) than a large display ad.
It's true that we have had considerable success with some of
our full page display ads, but after several early failures we set
up some guidelines to follow when running these ads. These
guidelines are:
1. We always test ads in low cost publications. (Rarely do we
ever pay more than $300 for a full page ad--even in national
2. Our full page ads are always run in highly targeted, limited
circulation publications. We only run ads in places that we
know our customers will see.
3. We always run a break-even analysis before we place an ad so we
know for sure exactly how many sales we'll need just to pay for
the ad. If the numbers indicate we'll need more than five
sales, we don't run the ad.
4. We always create the ads ourselves. That way we have absolute
control over the content, the structure of the offer, and exact
wording. It does make a difference.
5. We always request specific ad placement in the magazine or
newsletter. We usually request a right hand page in the back
two thirds of the magazine. Never let a magazine decide where
they'll place your ad.
6. We always negotiate the price of the ad. Usually we pay about
45% of the printed rate card rate (and sometimes we pay much
less than that).
By following these guidelines we are able to reduce our
exposure to financial loss on display ads in magazines. If the ad
fails to work, we still lose money and momentum, but not near as
much it we had blindly run expensive ads.
Keep these guidelines in mind when running your own display ads,
and you'll have a good chance of striking it rich also. (One of Bill
Myers' first display ads cost a few hundred dollars to run and
brought in over $40,0000 in 90 days! This ad is in "The Unfair
Advantage Letter Book."
PPC Advertising for Maximum Web Promotion
Business nowadays is doing different kinds of austerity measures when it comes to advertising their products and services. This is because of high rates of placing ads on print and on television. But there is a fast growing approach that businessmen can utilize to bring their services closer to the people and that is through Internet Marketing.
One tool that is causing internet marketing popularity is PPC advertising. This is a technique used in search engine marketing that requires one to pay a fee every time someone clicks an ad on your website. Usually this placement is done through a bidding process. If you are a top bidder for your keywords/phrases, you are sure to be on the number one spot on all search engines. Just be sure of the effectiveness of your ad copy to get the most number of clicks you need for your business.
Here are the benefits of PPC advertising are:
1. You need not be a genius in computer and technology to be able to run this ad campaign.
2. Immediate results are seen after a few days.
3. No need to make a website conform to the SEO rules.
4. Nothing to lose even if you do not top the pages of different search engines. You can still always choose PPC advertising.
5. You can make use any search engine available.
6. You can type in any keyword you like.
Cons of PPC advertising includes:
1. Fixed payments every month to the search engine you choose.
2. Pay for each click received by your website. At times, visitors are just competitors or people playing pranks on search engines. This hassle wastes money you put in to this advertising.
3. Inability to pay for the fees next month would mean removal of your website on the paid listings.
4. This advertising can only be used temporarily because it is difficult to handle in the long run.
5. Pay-per-click pricing can be costly for long periods of time, therefore, this should be stopped after an ad campaign.
But how exactly PPC advertising can increase traffic, leads and sales?
PRE-QUALIFIED TRAFFIC. All visitors of your website are already considered as a qualified consumer or buyer of your product. PPC advertising leads your customers to you for a lesser cost.
INSTANT EXPOSURE, IMMEDIATE PROFITS. PPC search engines enable you to get your desired results fast. They will have your website live within just a few hours which means immediate increase in sale.
CONSISTENT TOP LISTINGS. This is to get your website on top of the sponsored search results for free. You just have to choose the keywords related to your site and business and place them within your web pages. After this, you are done.
PPC advertising enables advertisers to control their advertising campaigns. Advertisers have effectively targeted their audience and set their own price per click. PPC advertising networks provide the platform to identify the desired audience by geographic setting, topic and industry. These networks have a list of websites of the publishers where the ads will be placed.
Tools are provided by the networks to check how the pay per click limit is working for a certain advertiser. If its still competitive, would it be even listed among the paid search lists or does it generate sales? Of course, if the advertiser made the highest bid, the better chances the ad will be seen in the search engine. These networks too provide protection for the advertisers against click fraud. This advertising set-up allows advertisers to set a daily budget for his ads, thus, less spending for unnecessary clicks. Advertiser will never go over his budget.
In PPC advertising, what are important are the keywords and phrases. You have to select at least ten "very specific" keywords that would give you the best traffic in the search. Then, write the ad creatively but straightforward. Tell the truth about your product or service and do not lie. Good thing if your product or service will not disappoint those that are relying on your ad's promise - but what if it did otherwise? Important too is the clarity of the ad. Do not use very vague languages. Include important details like the price.
You should also remember to budget your bids. Do not go overbidding because you will only lose your money and do not go so low that your ads will never get the chance to show up. Check your profit against your spending. If you see no progress then most likely you have to drop your ad campaign.
More and more advertisers have been using PPC advertising and it will continue to grow faster than any online advertising techniques. From revenues of $2.6 billion in 2004 to $5.5 billion in 2009, cost per click will dramatically go up as well from $0.29 to $0.36.
PPC advertising is new in online marketing and it is going to continue in the years to come. For advertisers, this means increase revenues with fewer advertising expenses, savings, more sales, good return of investment (ROI) and effective ad campaigns in the days to come.
Maximum Website Promotion through PPC Bid Management
Pay per click (PPC) is a means to advertise business through the use of keywords/phrases in the search engines. The advertiser is required to only pay for each click that sends a visitor to his website. Search engines such as Overture, Google Adwords, Search Yahoo and Miva are just some examples of search engines. They offer top positions among the sponsored listings for particular keywords/phrases you choose. The idea for bidding is you have to buy/bid on keywords/phrases relevant to your business. The highest bidder gets to be on the top of the search result listing and the second highest bidder, of course, gets the next top listing and so on. Every time a visitor clicks on your website, you will have to pay the same amount that you bid on that particular keyword.
PPC can be very costly, time consuming and sometimes not worthy. But if you know how to go about the step by step procedures, PPC is a welcome change to traditional advertising.
If you do your searches for products, articles and auctions in the net, you usually type in a keyword or a set of phrase to guide you in your search. Either you use Google or Yahoo Search depending on where you are most comfortable at and where you usually get the best results. As soon as you key in the search button, immediately a long list of keywords or phrase will be displayed containing the keywords you key in. The first or the top link that you saw is most likely the one who bids the highest for that keyword you type. In this way, businessmen will produce the desired results; they get to be advertised, at the same time, saving and spending only for the clicks they need that might translate to potential sales.
The way to start PPC bid management is to identify first the maximum cost per click (CPC) you are willing to pay for a given keyword or phrase. CPC varies from time and even search engine to search engine too. Maximum CPC can be measured by averaging the current costs of bids (bids range from $0.25 to $5). Average of these bids is to be used as the maximum CPC to begin with. As your ad campaign progresses, the actual conversion rate (visitors turning to potential buyers/sales) will be determined and you may have to adjust your CPC (bidding rate) accordingly.
When you start to bid, see to it that you adopt different bidding strategies for various search engines. Search engines have their own PPC systems that require different approaches. It is also worthy to identify different bids for the same keyword phrases in various search engines.
Another thing, it is wiser not to bid for the top spot for two reasons: 1) It is very expensive and impractical, and 2) Surfers usually try different search queries in various search engines before they settle on the right one that fits to what they are looking for. This hardly results to conversion. Try to bid for the fifth spot instead and work your way up.
If you are now going steady on your PPC biddings, it is time for you to develop your own bidding strategy accordingly. It is important for you to track down which sites bring the bulk of your traffic and identify the ranking of your paid ads. This will help your bidding strategy to be effective and you should also decide where you want your ad to be positioned. Usually your maximum CPC will limit your choices.
Bid gaps (e.g. $ 0.40, 0.39, bid gap, 0.20, 0.19, 0.18) occur when there is a significant price increase to move up one spot in the PPC rankings. It is best if you take advantage of the bid gaps by filling them in so you can save up your cents to other bidding opportunities. Often there are keywords worthy of lesser bids to get the appropriate ranking on the list and produce a good number of clicks and higher conversion rate rather than bidding higher but having a poor conversion rate. You have to put in mind that overbidding too is not good but rather the best position for the most effective bid.
Using pay-per-click bid management in promoting your website will only be successful if you take time building many lists across many engines and studying the performance of every listing. In this way, you can make the most value from what you spend in the bidding process. The key is to use the necessary precautions to stay ahead of the competition.
Bid Management Tools
In ensuring best results, you may use bid management tools. There are accepted and approved management tools that will help you in your bidding. They are categorized in two different types:
• Web based (services by monthly subscription) or,
• PC based (a purchased software)
Monitoring tools too may help in the tracking down of your keywords/phrases and search engines as to which among them often generate sales, overall and in relation to your cost per click. This is what you call return of investment (ROI) monitoring.
These bid management tools may include additional functions that may not get from online marketing tools that are readily available. Other tools can monitor competitor’s bids, produce reports for different parties and offer the ability to interface with multiple PPC engines. This is particularly helpful to those who manage more than a hundred keywords across several PPC engines to boost productivity and save time.
Pay-per-click bid management is ideal for the effective promotion of your business online without the hassles of draining your financial keeping too much. It is now fast catching up as a means used in marketing your goods and services to reach to as many consumers as possible.
Increasing Sales Through Strategic Internet Marketing
But with millions of websites out there being visited by millions of computer users, how can you make sure that your ad can be seen by your target customers and that your leads will be followed by these users? Here are a few tips.
1. Place an ad on the websites frequented by your target customers. Before doing this, you need to define who will be your target customers. Placing an ad on sites that they usually visit will increase the possibility that your ad will gain the attention and will be followed your target customers.
Also, consider the website's search engine placement, traffic, external linking and the other ads placed on it. External linking will determine if there are other sites that link to this site. This will mean that people can get to the site where your ad is placed, even if they are browsing a different site. Check if many of your competitors have ads on this site.
2. Placing ads on some sites cost some money. However, there are also sites that can place a link to your site, product or service in exchange of having their link being displayed on your site. This is also true about the newsletters sent by site owners to its mailing list members regularly.
Also, having helpful links placed on your site and having sites link to your pages help in boosting search engine ranking. This is similar to making a statement that your site's content is important that other sites have links to your web pages.
3. Pay-per-click (PPC) is also a good method in Internet marketing. You will only need to pay for the ad if the link is clicked. If you prefer this method of advertisement, make sure that you are using services that set limits on daily expenses. There are also services that help you determine effective keywords and monitor the PPC results.
4. Choose your domain name wisely. It is still being debated if domain names matter when it comes to search engine placement. Whether it does or not, having product related domain names help consumers remember your domain, that they can go back to your site even without the links.
5. Make sure you have useful content on your sites. While keyword density is important in search engine placement, having useless information or annoying repetition of keywords will not increase your customer's confidence in your site. It may even affect your sites traffic and can get your site removed from search engines. So make sure that keywords are used strategically.
6. When thinking of keywords, think like your target customers. What do you think are they going to search so they can get to your site? Also, use specific keywords or key phrases. Submitting a single word or a very general phrase to a search engine will not get you to the top of the search results compared to submitting specific keywords that describe your product and services perfectly.
7. Track your ads. Always check how much you have spent on placing links on frequently visited sites and on PPC. There are services that allow you to monitor PPC transactions and how many of these end in sales. You always need to consider if the ads that you have placed on these websites are getting you to your target consumers and if these ads can lead to revenue.
One final tip on marketing products and services, sell the benefits. It will help your marketing strategies a lot if you highlight the benefits of choosing your products and services instead of merely discussing the product specifications. Product specifications may not mean much to customers, unless they know what these stand for (how these specifications affect the quality of the product or service).
Many people say getting to the top of search engine results is difficult since millions of websites exist, which can be using the same keywords. While this is true, this doesn't mean that your website has to stacked under your competitors' websites when presenting search engine results. Strategic advertising and linking, together with useful content, can also get you to the top of the search results.
At the same time, the internet also poses a quite different challenge. The easy access that internet provides also gives you as much competition as you can imagine. It is too crowded and congested.
Having a website is not enough to make your business running and able to compete. You must take other alternatives to give way for the online community to access your website at any rate or chance possible.
You have to expose your website. Make it known. It has to be visible. It has to be frequently targeted by consumers and surfers.
Invest in marketing your internet site. There are basically two options available to you, the SEO and PPC. These two are probably the most desirable alternatives you can get for your internet business as strategy for search engine marketing.
1. SEO
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Some researches indicate that 60% - 70% of internet surfers and users actually resort to using the Google search engine to find and locate web sites and pages, for any topic they desire. SEO is the process taken to make sure that the internet uses will find your website when ranked among the top results of a search. This way you can make sure that you will be visible and can clearly stand out from the rest.
To get a search engine optimization, you will have to build on your own internet site frequently hit internet links to web site pages. The process will involve IBLN or Independent Back-Linking Network, wherein hundreds or even thousands of pages will be utilized to promote a particular website of a client.
In SEO, there is no need for you to pay for the clicks although it will require you to spend time doing research to get a favorable combination of ads and target audience. The SEO process is a long term one. It requires months, 6 months at the least, before the proper outcome is fully achieved, but once the goal is accomplished, you will definitely get a steady source of profit.
2. PPC
PPC means Pay Per Click. It gives way advertising on a search engine. These are sponsored listings that you see whenever you make a search. There will be a charge whenever a visitor or web surfer clicks on any of your ads. There will first be a bidding process. The highest bidder for the price per click will definitely get the chance to be first listed in the search engine.
With this kind of advertising, you can still basically control your campaign as you get to create your own ad. You will also manage the target audience and still stay within the bounds of your budget. Most of the providers of PPC advertising will allow you to specify the target market, either by topic, industry or geographical location. You can also very well check if your ad gets to be shown at all and if it is competitive with the rest.
There are some guaranteed benefits when you get to maximize the PPC strategy.
? PPC lets you advertise to the whole of the online community. It is also relatively easy to set up.
? At first glance, PPC advertising may seem very expensive. Could it possibly happen that someone out there will go on clicking on your ad? This will definitely give you a large bill without the expected profit on your part. If this provides a lot of worries, be rest assured that there is a protection for you. Networks are able to recognize fraudulent clicks.
? You can also set a budget for a certain period. The moment your budget has been used up by the target number of clicks, your ads will no longer be displayed until the next period you want it again displayed.
? You will also be able to adjust well to changes in market demands and trends.
In deciding which of the two strategies will work right for you, think of your goals and of your resources. They definitely offer benefits and advantages that will work for your good. The better way to approach this two is to evaluate according to your short term and long term plans. Take the PPC course for your short term goals and choose SEO if you have long term ones.
There world is out there for you now. Just make sure you do what will work best for your entrepreneurial endeavors and visions. The secret to success lies in your hands. Just study your options well and you’ll get exactly what you want.
Learning the Basics of RSS
You probably have seen this three-letter acronym in the course of your internet surfing. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; syndicating means republishing an article that comes from another source such as a website.
An RSS is a means of publicizing updates about websites. It may or may not include a summary and photos of the latest posting. But those that provide summaries (thus Rich Site Summary) allow users to skim through the article so that they could decide later on if they want to access the website source. The RSS feed usually contains the title of the update originating from the website. It is also usually the link to the website source.
What are the benefits of RSS?
RSS gives benefits to both readers (users) and web publishers.
1. It gives you the latest updates.
Whether it is about the weather, new music, software upgrade, local news, or a new posting from a rarely-updates site learn about the latest as soon as it comes out.
2. It saves on surfing time.
Since an RSS feed provides a summary of the related article, it saves the user’s time by helping s/he decide on which items to prioritize when reading or browsing the net.
3. It gives the power of subscription to the user.
Users are given a free-hand on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators which they can change at any time they decide differently.
4. It lessens the clutter in your inbox.
Although your email address will be required to enjoy the services of online RSS aggregators, RSS does not use your email address to send the updates.
5. It is spam free.
Unlike email subscriptions, RSS does not make use of your email address to send updates thus your privacy is kept safe from spam mails.
6. Unsubscribing is hassle-free.
Unlike email subscriptions where the user is asked questions on why s/he is unsubscribing and then the user would be asked to confirm unsubscribing, all you have to do is to delete the RSS feed from your aggregator.
7. It can be used as an advertising or marketing tool.
Users who subscribe or syndicate product websites receive the latest news on products and services without the website sending spam mail. This is advantageous to both the web user and the website owner since advertising becomes targeted; those who are actually interested in their products are kept posted.
What are the drawbacks of RSS?
The disadvantages of RSS use are brought about by its being a new technology and some user-preference concerns.
1. Some users prefer receiving email updates over an RSS feed.
2. Graphics and photos do not appear in all RSS feeds.
For conciseness and ease of publication, RSS feeds do not display the photos from the original site in announcing the update except for some web-based aggregators
3. The identity of the source website can be confusing.
Since RSS feeds do not display the actual URL or name of the website, it can sometimes get confusing on what feed a user is actually reading.
4. Publishers cannot determine how many users are subscribed to their feed and the frequency of their visits. Moreover, they would not know the reasons why users unsubscribe which could be important in improving their advertising.
5. RSS feeds create higher traffic and demands on the server.
Most readers still prefer the whole update over a brief summary of the entry, thus they still access the site.
6. Since it is a new technology, many sites still do not support RSS.
How do I start using RSS?
There are two things needed: an RSS feed and an RSS aggregator or reader. The RSS feed comes from an RSS-supported website. There are also websites that provide a list of RSS feeds of different websites. An RSS aggregator is used to read the RSS feed from the source website. It scans and collects data on latest RSS feeds from the worldwide web.
An aggregator comes in two forms: a downloadable program also known as desktop aggregator and an online or web-based aggregator. Downloadable aggregators may require payment before they can be acquired, while internet-based aggregators are usually free of charge. All you need to do is to register an account then you are ready to use their services. Both versions allow you to customize or choose which RSS feeds to enter. Paid aggregators are usually chosen by more experienced users and they usually allow more freedom in customizing feeds.
1. Choose an RSS aggregator to use. For beginners, web-based aggregators are recommended since they are usually user-friendly
2. Scan the homepage of your target website for the RSS or XML button. It contains the RSS code you need to enter in the aggregator. Copy this code. Syndic8 provides a directory of websites that support RSS.
3. Paste the code (which contains the URL of the website) in your aggregator. There is a space provided for pasting the code.
After you have done these three easy steps, you can start reading the RSS feeds coming from the website. New postings appear as they are published real time at the source website.
RSS and Internet Marketing
The original idea of RSS came from Netscape, where their intention is to provide a means for users to customize their personal homepage to contain links to websites that interest them, similar to bookmarking websites.
The application of RSS to internet marketing was an unforeseen development to RSS technology developers. Since users are given the freedom to add RSS feeds to their aggregators, those who are interested in particular products and services available in the internet can now be notified real time. Marketing becomes more specific to interested people and not a hit-and-miss operation.
Those who intend to use RSS for marketing their products and services should consider linking up with email account providers, (e.g. Yahoo, MSN, Google mail); networking websites (e.g. Friendster, Multiply, My Space, Hi5); websites of newspapers and television network websites (e.g. New York Times, CNN) for medium to big-scale companies. Small-time industries can also look into networking websites as well as personal blog websites (e.g. Blogspot) and websites of clubs and organizations that would probably make use of their products or services e.g. a fishing supplies store can look for the website of their local fishing club for possible RSS marketing.
Clearly, RSS is an innovation in information management in the worldwide web as well as online marketing. We can expect better RSS technology in the not-so-distant future as its popularity increases among users and website owners alike.